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Help publish Lisa Lichtenfels' Final Works of Art

Lisa Lichtenfels’ distinctive technique for creating lifelike figures from wire skeletons, batting, and nylon for skin, left an indelible mark on the world of art dolls. Her unique and singular approach to creating these realistic figures made her dolls coveted by collectors around the world. Lisa was a teacher, mentor, inspiration, and role model who influenced countless artists.

NIADA has organized a GoFundMe page to help raise funds to publish a second book of the art of Lisa Lichtenfels. This book will include the seventy pieces she created since her first retrospective, Figures in Fabric: the Sculptures of Lisa Lichtenfels, was published in 2001.

Half of the work has been photographed and written by Lisa and her sister, Allyson. The final pieces need to be photographed and descriptions written so that it can go to print. The two volumes together will showcase the entire life’s work of the artist, Lisa Lichtenfels.

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